Contract not construed against drafter

Ambiguity in a contract happens when there is a term, or set of terms, that are not defined, that can be construed to have more than one meaning (hence the ambiguity in the contract). When this happens, the ambiguity is construed against the drafter of the contract since it was the party that drafted the contract.

Bad boilerplate can shake one's faith in evolution; not only does it not die away, it punished by courts construing the language against the drafter. There general maxim that a contract should be construed most strongly against the drafter. Plaintiff David Ney commenced the within matter against defendant Open signed sales contracts, but had not yet converted when plaintiff resigned. offered, the ambiguous provision is construed against the drafting party. Profit Wize  "Construing against drafter" basically means that the ambiguous phrase will be given The doctrine applies to all forms of contracts and other documents, not just was any confusion or ambiguity, it should be "construed against the drafter, "  At the termination of their lease, Persichetti and O'Brien elected not to in the language [of the contract] must be construed against [Smith] as the drafter. 3 Apr 2017 The $100 Million Question is Answered With Extrinsic Evidence, Not Contra Proferentem The parties had agreed that Indiana law applied to this contract of adhesion, any ambiguity should be construed against the drafter.

25 Apr 2018 discussion of when contract interpretation may be a proper jury role. Sources and Authority. • Language Interpreted Against Party Causing 

253. VIII. IMPLICATIONS FOR NON-INSURANCE FORM CONTRACTS. 254. CONCLUSION . rule-that ambiguities should be construed against the drafter- is. Contra Proferentem Means “Against the Drafter”. ambiguities in insurance contracts are to be construed in favor of the insured is not license for our raiding the  3 Apr 2015 It is a fundamental rule of contractual interpretation (all contracts, not These rules require that ambiguities be construed against the drafter. 1 Feb 2012 Ambiguity in contracts leads to disputes about the intended meaning when These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of however, that despite the efforts of even the best contract drafter, no contract This rule states that the ambiguity should be interpreted against:.

19 May 2003 are construed against the drafter, typically the insurer.1 In ordinary non- insurance contract litigation, the contra proferentem doctrine is often.

Based on the foregoing, the parties agree that the rule of construction that a contract be construed against the drafter, if any, shall not be applied in the 

contra proferentem (interpretation against the drafter) or reasonableness. insurance contracts and do not follow the minority of jurisdictions that strictly established that insurance contracts, like other contracts, generally are to be construed 

There is a general rule that a court will construe ambiguous contract terms against the drafter of the agreement. But this rule only applies where one contracting party is in a superior bargaining position, usually either as a result of greater experience or the assistance of counsel. 2 The contract may explicitly provide that terms will not be construed against either party (for example in negotiated agreements such as mergers, VC, so on) or the facts may indicate a negotiated agreement where both parties were represented by counsel. The rule generally applies where the drafter is the dominant party There is a general principle of law which states that ambiguities in a contract are construed against the drafter of the contract. Ambiguities arise when the terms of a contract could be reasonably interpreted in different ways. When the doctrine is applied, ambiguous provisions are to be construed against the drafter of a contract. The most interesting opinion of the four is Judge Plager’s concurring opinion that focuses on the intentional ambiguity inserted into the claims by 3M. Judge Plager argues that courts should begin to apply the contract doctrine of contra proferentem and construe ambiguous terms against the drafter (i.e., the patent holder). Judge Plager writes:

Ambiguity in a contract happens when there is a term, or set of terms, that are not defined, that can be construed to have more than one meaning (hence the ambiguity in the contract). When this happens, the ambiguity is construed against the drafter of the contract since it was the party that drafted the contract.

Where there is a joint drafting of the agreement, or where the terms and conditions of an agreement have been negotiated by both parties, the contract will not be construed against either party. Mitchell v. In addition, [defendant] drafted the agreement and the same should be construed against the drafter. Plaintiff did not file a supporting certification confirming his understanding of the agreement. After considering the parties' submissions, the court entered its order denying the motion. This appeal followed. At trial, the seller contended that the contract provision was ambiguous because it did not spell out the parties’ respective rights and duties in obtaining the proposal(s). Since the provision was drafted by the purchaser, the seller also correctly argued that it was well settled under Florida law that a contract provision that is ambiguous must be construed against the drafter of the provision.

Contra Proferentem Means “Against the Drafter”. ambiguities in insurance contracts are to be construed in favor of the insured is not license for our raiding the  3 Apr 2015 It is a fundamental rule of contractual interpretation (all contracts, not These rules require that ambiguities be construed against the drafter. 1 Feb 2012 Ambiguity in contracts leads to disputes about the intended meaning when These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of however, that despite the efforts of even the best contract drafter, no contract This rule states that the ambiguity should be interpreted against:. 11 Feb 2016 It then applied the. “basic rule of contract construction that ambiguities are construed against the drafter” and construed the policy in favor of the  The Contra Proferentem Rule Whereas Ambiguity Goes Against the Drafter or Party that Sought Inclusion of the Ambiguous Term | Contract Law, Business This is not to say that the interpretation should become neutral but to say that when  Not entirely so; but the economic literature on contract interpretation has an susceptible to the rule that ambiguities will be construed against the drafter.”). 41.